Sunday 27 March 2011

The Blue Mountains

     A few of us guys went on a little hiking trip up in the Blue Mountains. The entire day I only spent $20 and it was the most memorable thing that I have done here; I must go again.
     This particular weekend was very foggy, apparently a little too foggy. If you look closely you can see a car-bumper down that hill. Someone was driving along and just kept on going, the car stopped about 4ft from the actual cliff edge.
 There is some breath taking scenery there, but since it was so foggy we couldn't see much and decided to go on a rainforest hike that was 'mist friendly'. This is the road leading to the hike...we got a little lost, but finding your way is always a nice surprise and we made it fun.

The first mile or so of the hike went right down the face of a cliff. The fog and mist gave it a very erie feel; you could look out and once in a while make out massive figures or see down the cliffs, but never really see anything more than 40 feet out. I was convinced that we were either in Jurassic Park, or on the edge of the earth.

We stopped for lunch under this rock and made a fire. I'm no good at the whole 'serious picture' thing... 

"Hey Guys, do you think I need these Study Abroad registration forms and what not?"


Of course we propped up that giant rock with a stick! 

Ahhh yes, the leeches. About halfway through the hike, a friend noticed that there were giant blood-suckers attached to all of our legs. They were disgusting and annoying, but burning off leeches on the train and walking through downtown Sydney barefoot and bloody made for some great entertainment on the trip home.

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