Sunday 27 March 2011

Adventure #1

One saturday morning I woke up and decided to walk to a guitar shop, a few miles up the coast. So I packed a lunch and started hiking.

There was some amazing scenery along the way. The sign above reads: "Beware of Edge". Oh really?

Eventually I reached the guitar shop after a nice swim, but they didn't sell what I was looking for. Since I was already 1/3 of the way into Sydney, I figured I'd just walk the rest of the way. I had no clue where I was going, but I'm from Northern Michigan, so that means that I have a sense of direction. I just started walking and eventually spotted this 'space needle' and used it as my 'north star'. 

Just when I was started wondering if this was a bad plan, since I only packed two PB&Js, the harbor bridge popped out of the trees.

 After a little nap between the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House, I headed into the Central Business District to have a look around.

The PB&J's weren't cutting it, so I treated myself to some good ole' Dominos. Perhaps since Australian's drop some R's, 'Bern' is pronounced 'Ben'? Then how do you pronounce 'Ben'?


  1. Did you nap in the Botanical Gardens? Did you see all the huge bats, or flying foxes as they call them?

  2. No, just under a palm tree. I need to make a trip up there that doesn't involve a 10 mile hike, so that I can see some things like the gardens. Those bats are everywhere! I've been calling them 'flyin-coons', but I think flying foxes is more appropriate. One fell out of a tree (or else just died) outside of my apartment; I didn't realize how huge they were.
