Saturday 23 April 2011


My second day with the bike was very rainy, so we canceled the trip up to the mountains and I cruised solo around Sydney. I decided to go as far North as I could on the Sydney peninsula, then take the bike back. I stopped and took pictures at a few random places, the cliffs in the picture below were HUGE!

 This is the tip of the peninsula and the entrance to the Sydney Harbor...I think...

After I returned the motorbike and got off the train, I felt like walking, so I started exploring downtown Sydney and wound up in Chinatown. This city is SO BIG, I could live here for 20 years and still never see everything.

This little gift shop was insane; it was the most cluttered place I had ever seen, and I couldn't even fit through the aisles haha. The funniest thing about Chinatown was that 80% of the shops were playing the new Snoop Dogg album.

After a lot of wandering and people-watching, I managed to find the only Butterfinger in all of Australia and also get tickets to a sold-out John Legend concert! I was pretty excited and hopped on a bus to call it a night.

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