Saturday 23 April 2011


My second day with the bike was very rainy, so we canceled the trip up to the mountains and I cruised solo around Sydney. I decided to go as far North as I could on the Sydney peninsula, then take the bike back. I stopped and took pictures at a few random places, the cliffs in the picture below were HUGE!

 This is the tip of the peninsula and the entrance to the Sydney Harbor...I think...

After I returned the motorbike and got off the train, I felt like walking, so I started exploring downtown Sydney and wound up in Chinatown. This city is SO BIG, I could live here for 20 years and still never see everything.

This little gift shop was insane; it was the most cluttered place I had ever seen, and I couldn't even fit through the aisles haha. The funniest thing about Chinatown was that 80% of the shops were playing the new Snoop Dogg album.

After a lot of wandering and people-watching, I managed to find the only Butterfinger in all of Australia and also get tickets to a sold-out John Legend concert! I was pretty excited and hopped on a bus to call it a night.


Mid-semester Break began this week and I was determined to get on a motorcycle. I rented one for the weekend and my friend Nicolas took me on a ride through some national parks near Sydney. Before we could head out of town, we had to pick-up another friend. We were weaving in an out of traffic and I was pretty nervous. Normally I wouldn't be, but since I was on a rental, in downtown Sydney, and EVERYONE was driving on the wrong side of the road, it was quite the adventure haha. It was just the adrenaline rush I needed haha.

We made it to the park and it was beautiful. We cruised through the forest for a while, then eventually hit the coast. Smelling the water while cruising through the woods on a bike made me miss home a ton, but it was still an amazing ride. I wish I could have stopped to take photos every few miles, the area was so gorgeous.

We stopped at this look-out for a stretch. Check out the bridge in this photo, we rode over it shortly after. It was very cool, I'd never ridden a bike over a big bridge, and definitely not over a curvy one.

Here's a link to a video that Nicolas took during the ride:

I'm not sure how we all managed to look so goofy in this photo...

Reggie Watts

My friend Mark and I decided to go see Reggie Watts 20 minutes before the show started. It was quite the adventure. Even though we were 25 minutes late, we still had an awesome time. He is one of the most talented people I have ever seen. 90% of the songs he plays are made up on the spot and they're amazing; this musicianship combined with his hilarious and spontaneous personality made for an spectacular show. If you ever have the opportunity to see him, do it!


Sooooo I laid down for a little cat nap at 7:00 pm one night and woke up at 2:30 am. 

Instead of trying to fall back asleep, I decided to start studying for the exam I had in 36 hours.
 Soon I noticed the sun coming up and decided to run down to the beach and take a few pictures.

It was so peaceful. I'm going to try to head down there for a swim at sunrise some mornings.
 Oh, by the way, a morning swim in the ocean makes the day sooo much better.

...but I'm sure a swim in the bay is much nicer.

Study Break

 I needed a study break one evening, so I decided to play some songs on the cliffs outside of my apartment. It was almost sunset so I grabbed my camera and took a few photos. 

Haven't been doing much lately besides this and studying. Life is good.